
Fourth Way Programs

The Millers River Education Cooperative invites you to take part in our programs and special events. Whether you have extensive experience and are looking to renew your inner practice, or you are new to the groups and wish to explore the ideas, we welcome your participation.

For those looking for an authentic experience with Gurdjieff Movements and Enneagram studies, our group may be an excellent fit for what you seek. Our focus on working with the body through practical work and Gurdjieff Movements, integrated with a spiritual psychological approach, and collaborating with others, gives a special flavor. Please view our public concert and lecture schedule and calendar of events.

Introduction to G.I. Gurdjieff

The Millers River Educational Cooperative offers ongoing weekly and monthly group meetings throughout the year for both newcomers and those with long experience. We invite you to try out introductory groups for "new people" held in Warwick and Somerville, Massachusetts. Contact us for more locations.


We will be conducting an open class for practicing the Gurdjieff movements every Saturday at 10:30am at Camp Caravan. This is currently scheduled up through March 31.

Open Work Days

Consider attending a day of Work to see if this group and this way of working might be a good fit for you. We begin the day with a morning sitting, followed by an introduction to a theme, based on the ideas of G.I. Gurdjieff and J.G. Bennett. Practical physical work, work with the Movements, community meals, and participation with the arts and gardening are often part of the day's structure. Check the calendar for upcoming Work Days.

Gurdjieff /Bennett Seminars

We offer ten-day residential seminar experiences through Summer Seminars and longer Movements Seminars. Check the calendar for shorter weekend and day-long events.

Online Gurdjieff Study Groups

Online groups meet periodically on various topics, from introductory group work to an exploration of Gurdjieff's publication, All and Everything. Although an online group may at first seem remote and removed, especially to those not familiar with video conferencing, the participants are able to create very special connections. Email the webmaster for more information about the online schedule and for assistance with the necessary technical set-up.